3 Year Target (text version)
- Create a charitable organisation (CIO) that the public knows & feels positive about, that is an asset for Exeter & the region.
- Measurably educate & inspire people of all ages & backgrounds about research & industry in STEAMM subjects.
- Gather and harness opinions & perspectives of the public to mould plans for activities + building.
- Provide a platform to showcase the positive impact of organisations we work with. Measurably improve their engagement.
- Employees, trustees and advisors have a range of relevant expertise & are working in sub-teams on the project.
- Principal partners for Stream B established.
- Steering groups of people from a broad range of communities across the region provide ongoing feedback.
- A full & part-time team of employees & volunteers is established and growing.
- A science centre expert will be running / actively supporting the project.
- Have strong collaborations and connections with regional educational & research centres, & regional organisations.
Our team of employees, advisors and collaborators will contribute to our skill set in the following areas:
- STEAMM education, research, industry, engagement.
- Charity sector governance.
- Business management.
- Fundraising & grant writing.
- Legal, financial, communications, marketing, personnel.
- Creating and running a successful science centre.
Stream A involves creating the organisation & its public-facing activities. Our ambitions for funding this stream are:
- Develop a partnership with STEAMM academics to create an impactful public engagement programme of their research, funded by research / fellowship grants.
- Work with local STEAMM industry in a similar manner.
- Obtain funding from trusts / foundations / learned societies / research-body grants
Stream B involves creating the dedicated building. This is a long-term ambition & staged funding will be targeted:
- Seed funding for a feasibility study (approx. £100k, years 2-3).
- Capital grants or philanthropic funding for design & build (year 3).
- Once built, stream A funding will merge with stream B funding.
Our activities will be split into streams A (creating the organisation) & B (creating the building). These will involve:
- Stream A:
- STEAMM education & public engagement / consultation projects.
- Attending & organising public events.
- Carrying out short-term, local & regional pop-ups, touring these around the South West
- Stream B:
- Planning and commissioning feasibility study.
Year 1
- Raise public awareness & science capital
- 2 directors
- 5-10 advisors
- Many contacts
- Science
- Outreach
- Organisation
- Self-funding
- Academic grants
- Project grants
- Fundraising
- Planning
- Public engagement
Year 2
- CIC to CIO conversion
- >2000 newsletter sign-ups
- >4000 social media followers
- 1-2 employees
- <10 trustees
- 5+ volunteers
- Range of collaborators
- Recruiting new team members
- Building collaborations
- Stream A (organisation), >£60K
- Stream B (building planning), >£100K+
- Public engagement projects
- Festival / events
Year 3
- Engage with >10,000 members of public
- Positive impact data from projects
- Principal partners
- Steering group members
- Science centre advisor
- Maintaining skills audit & identifying gaps
- Stream A, >£100K ongoing
- Stream B, £40M sought for building
- Local & regional pop-ups
- Planning for building