
Operation Earth + We Are Guardians Tour

The text 'Operation Earth' next to a cartoon image of the Earth with a magnifying glass around it. The text 'We are Guardians' over a wire-frame Earth.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to tour an environment-themed science show, hands-on activities and VR experience to schools and community events this year! This programme has been generously funded by the Adrian Swire Charitable Trust, we’re so grateful for their support.

This tour combines two programmes of work, aimed at children and their families, that we have previously trialled through pop-up events:

  1. The award-winning We Are Guardians film developed by NSC Creative, that we are working with The Virtual Reality Visitor Experience to show in VR headsets.
  2. Our existing Operation Earth programme: a fantastic set of resources and kit developed by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Association for Science and Discovery Centres.

Through this project, we’re highlighting how we study and understand the natural environment, and our role in protecting and regenerating it. We’ll be delivering these events with some of our amazing volunteers who are local experts working and studying in the natural sciences field.

We’re excited to get started – check out our events page for upcoming public events, all of which will be free to attend!