Bees Needs Week: how can we help?
Image credit: Mike Erskine via Unsplash
It’s Bees Needs Week from 18th-24th July 2022 – this is a Defra-organised event to raise awareness of the needs of bees and other pollinators.
Find out more about how we can help: check out our infographic below, and feel free to share this on social media!

Infographic references and useful extra resources:
This infographic was prepared by our volunteer Leah Heath, and kindly checked over by Dr Cathy Horsley from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
The infographic was synthesised from the following useful sources:
Bees Needs Week information and links to further resources: British Beekeepers Association (bbka.org.uk)
Why are bees important, and how you can help them: Woodland Trust and Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN
Causes of bee decline: Friends of the Earth
Find out more ways to help:
Bee the Change advice and resources: Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Avoiding pesticides: why and how: Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
Plants for Pollinators, advice and downloadable lists: RHS Gardening